So...having arrived at Cochin early in the morning, the decision was made to head to Fort Cochin, a place where a calmness roams the air and the pace of life wallows by pleasantly. The first day was spent observing the Chinese nets, having continual banter and chats to the local fishermen and discussing what was the juiciest catch of the day. After my slightly fatigued body had recharged, headed down to Alleppey to explore and encounter the wonderful waters of the enchanted 'Backwaters'.
The hustle and bustle and jubilant warmth greeted me, as well as the unusually now normal to me fragrance of spices and street cooking. I have enjoyed my share of street food over the past month, my favourite being....a green chilli covered in batter! I know, i know, does not sound the most tasteful mouth-watering cuisine choices but it is tasty in a Indian type of have the batter to calm the rush of heat from the chilli, however, there is a warmth that flushes through your mouth and makes it even more so tasty! Whilst being in the famous 'Backwaters' we opted to explore in style and by style, I mean a yacht! Well...not exactly a yacht, it was more the case of a wooden canoe consisting of two plastic chairs with the legs cut off and a paddle each, glorious. The day was surreal and calm and the backwaters quietness smothered the air and you could take time to enjoy the elements around you. I was able to reflect, think, observe and actually workout...rowing! My friends know more than anything that I am at my happiest when I am able to integrate some sort of fitness into my day. That evening, we joined to Spanish men staying at our hotel, Itor and Jon from Bilbao, they where primary school teachers and proved interesting company, as we spent the next 6hours chatting the evening away. Through the night, I then realised my worst nightmare....I had received over 75 mosquito bites on both my feet and legs. This pain was unbearably itchy and unpleasant on the skin, having cooled my legs and feet seven times in the shower, I resorted to sleeping with cream smothered over me and a long pair of socks. Perhaps....the mosquito's smelt the fillet steak aroma as I glided past them on my canoe that day...I don't blame them, I probably would have tucked into the feast too.
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